Just say "NO"

Saying "no" is so important... its also so much easier when you've got your priorities straight.

I decided last August that my main priority was going to be getting my sweat on every single day.

At that point in my life I couldn't play with my kids without getting exhausted. I was tired most of the time and felt physically & emotionally heavy.

I decided that an easy way to get my sweat on was to run a mile a day. It was something that I could do quickly and on the daily. I knew that if I ran a mile a day, if I got my sweat on every day, my energy would increase and the heaviness would lift.

On one of these mile-a-day runs I had a neighbor flag me down....He motioned for me to stop and to take out my ear buds.... which I did while continuing to run in place. He asked if he could show me something really quickly. I thought for a second and then politely said:

 "No. I am going to finish my run and would come back when I was done."

My neighbor starred at me in shock as I plugged my ear buds back in and hustled off to finish my mile.

You see, I had a priority.

That priority was ME & my MILE.

In order to keep my priority straight I needed to say "No".

...and it's okay, it's more than okay... it's NECESSARY to say "No" to the things that try to block you & your priorities.

It's okay to say no.

It's okay to stick to your priorities.

It's okay to keep your promises to yourself.  

It's okay. It's NECESSARY.

So, girl, what are your priorities?

Are you staying true to them?

Are you saying "No" to all the things that try to pull you away?