Where do you thrive?

Yesterday I had one of 'those' sessions with my coach. When you end with a BIG Ah-Ha take away and are ready for action.  The call started out like they normally do... rattling off all the things that I wanted to work. We quickly realized that I had too many areas to focus on in the hour (this is normal for me) and that we needed to narrow it down to the ONE that would have the biggest impact. Here is what we uncovered after an intense conversation:

A big area that I have been beating myself up about is my progress in life.... yeah, it's a big one!

...I should be farther along with my blog.

...I should be farther along in my coaching career.

...I should be farther along in my weight loss journey.

...I should be farther along in my book.

You get it!

Elise asked how these limiting beliefs have shown up in the past and what techniques I have used to advance my progress.

I told her that normally I just force myself to put my  'head down and focus!

      'And how has that worked for you in the past' Elise pushed.

'...well, I guess it works for the time being.'

     'And has that been sustainable... this 'put your head down' and get after it approach' she pushed further.

'Damn you!' - really this is what I said - 'You are right.... this isn't working for me. It works for awhile but then I burn out, loose interest and quit. What do I do?'

Then she asked, 'How do you get motivated, where do you find your inspiration?'

...and it dawned on me, my Ah-Ha....I get motivated to take action when I am around other people. It rarely happens when I am by myself.

As an extrovert I draw my energy from other people. Even if I am sitting in a coffee shop or restaurant not necessarily talking or socializing with others I still feel their presence. I still draw energy and inspiration from them. Even if I am on a walk listening to a podcast I feel and feed off the inspiration that the speaker is providing.

So today, instead of going to my home office to write this blog post I am sitting in a crowded bar. I don't' know anyone here and other than the occasional assistance from the bar staff I am on my own. Yet, I still feel energized and alive... not something that I get very often writing at home

Where do you feel most energized?

How do you get inspired?

In what environments do you thrive?

If you are like me right now and needing a little motivational boost I challenge you to find your 'spot'.. go somewhere that is most conducive to what you need. Don't revert back to the old habits and patterns that are not sustainable. Go somewhere that makes you smile.

